Pioneer Life From Beginner to Expert

《从入门到精通的开荒生活-太阳菌》 长评

by zhufree at 2023-06-23

This novel is a farming/ home building genre, 90% of the content is describing how MC survive in a new world, find new friends, cooperate together to farm, invent new things, build a town, handle social relationship and deal with other towns, 10% is about how the relationship develop between she and FL, and the relationship develop very slowly. So if you are seeking for romantic story maybe this won't suit you, but if you want to experience how MC made to survive and grow to a leader, this novel won't let u down.
Some readers comment this novel as very suitable to adapted to a game, yes I really want to play a game with such a setting, MC and other ppl traveled to a new world which have similar environment as earth but without any human exist, each person was given a chance to choose their talent when landing.The talent means the skill and experience in a certain field, MC chose farming, so she knows to distinguash different kinds of seeds, how to plant, weather, water, soil, anything related to farming. I like to see how ppl with different talents work together.